Wednesday 18 March 2015

Sorry letter

To mama and ayah,

Who I am forever indebted to

Thank you

Thank you so much for every single thing

I am sorry

For the troubles I have caused

I promise I will make dua' for you two as long as I am alive.

To the boys,

Who think I'm such a bitch for going out with you for a day and ignore you the next day

I am sorry

I just want to make friends, so when you act like we're more than that

I get disgusted.

To the girls,

Whoever, wherever you are

I am sorry for anything that I know and I don't know of

I don't make friends with people I don't like

Because I don't like to and I can't fake it.

Monday 9 March 2015


Exactly a month away before I leave Lendu.

My heart is so overwhelmed with everything. Semester 6 at its best. I thank Allah for my group members who are the easiest to work with, my room mates who put up with my lame jokes every single night and day, and many other things like of course, boys. Ehem.

I pray that I can laugh hard with my colleagues/employees like I always do with my friends here and meet more wonderful people in the future who reminds me that Allah is the most wonderful.